The Mask Wearers In The Workplace

Are You Or Your Colleagues Still Wearing A Mask To The World?

I am talking about a metaphorical mask.

The "Everything is going great thank you!" when it actually isn't face mask.

The "holding it together in front of my colleagues" face mask.

The "I don't know who I could talk to about this" face mask.

The "If only people knew what I was really going through" face mask.

The "I don't know if I can hold it together any longer" face mask.

The "why do I keep having such dark thoughts?" face mask.

The "all I want is to stop waking up at night and not being able to go to sleep" face mask.

The "I feel trapped in an inescapable prison of my mind" face mask.

So yes, I have personally worn each one of these face masks at some point during my 20s and 30s.

It is time.

It is time to truly UNMASK mental health in the workplace, in the boardroom and in society.

Do you agree?


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