This pillar focuses on how well people-centricity is aligned to the growth strategy of your organisation. It explores what type of culture and mindset the organisation has, and whether or not there are senior, influential champions who are advocating a truly people-led culture across the organisation
This pillar focuses on what type of appreciation your organisation has towards investing in a multi-disciplinary team to help drive an intelligent people-led improvement programme. It looks at skill sets including strategy, design, development, research and persuasion design
This pillar focuses specifically on the mental and physical wellbeing of your employees, and whether or not the current cultural provides the right environment for both individuals and the organisation to grow and excel. It looks at areas including collaboration, humility, trust, engagement and integrity
This pillar focuses on the tools and technology your organisation uses to enable a robust people-centric improvement strategy. It looks at how you capture employee, customer and business insights, how insights are made available and what resources you have available to harness the tools you invest in
This pillar focuses on the approach that the organisation takes to delivery customer experience improvements through a people-led mindset. It looks at the key characteristics of how hypotheses for making changes within the organisation are created and prioritised, the design process and how changes to the customer experience are analysed and learnings gained and shared